Craftsy Sewing & Quilting Courses - My Current Bucket List

What are you hoping to learn in 2016?  I've put together my short list and a bucket list of Craftsy courses - all with the goal of developing my understanding of sewing and quilting method and technique.  (*all Craftsy links in this post are affiliate links, but this post is not sponsored by Craftsy and contains my own opinions and plans.  If you make any purchases through my links (in any department) I will earn a portion of the sale at no extra cost to you.)

I mentioned in my post on Sewing Goals & Dreams for 2016 that I want to take and review at least one course each month (my review for January will be posted soon).  While I really enjoy taking classes in person, my "local" shop with sewing classes if over an hour away.  Even if it were closer, juggling a schedule with homeschool, five kids, church and other activities doesn't leave much room for extra commitments.  So I appreciate that Craftsy courses allow me to learn on my own schedule.  I can even re-watch segments, or use the thirty second rewind feature to make sure I understand the point or method of the instructor.  And, the class is mine forever so I can go back and regresh my memory.  

This year I still intend to take a course a month (at least), and while I hope to take a few courses in person and maybe even join a longer online course, I want to take advantage of Craftsy's course offerings.  I've taken three sewing-related courses so far from Craftsy.  Here are six more sewing and quilting Craftsy courses I've selected to take this year.  I would love to go through these courses with other people and dialogue online about the lessons, so if any look good to you, too, let me know!

But six so few, really.  It is hard to narrow it down to my top six courses when there is so much available on Craftsy - here are more of the classes on my Craftsy bucket list - I'm hoping to surprise myself this year!


  1. Great post! Reminds me I need to go finish the class I have started. Now I need to make myself a list :)

  2. Thanks, Stefanie! I'd love to see your list, too. What class did you start? Hope you are enjoying it.


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