Friday, February 19, 2016

Color Play Friday: Skywalker Horse {Manly Color Palette and Fabric Bundle}

It's Color Play Friday hosted by Lorinda (Laurel, Poppy & Pine) and Trina (In An Otter Life).  I'm not at #QuiltCon2016 this weekend, but I am having fun with #QuiltNon2016 instead, over on Instagram, and I hope you'll join us there if you aren't already having fun at QuiltCon.   You can take part in challenges, tutorials, and games and have the opportunity to win prizes all weekend long.  Visit my IG profile or Intrepid Thread's blog for more details.  Keep reading to find out what I thought of the colors and fabrics for this week.

For more information on Color Play Friday, visit Lorinda or Trina for the guidelines and contact information - you are welcome to join in!  

The Image & Colors:
This week's image is of Skywalker, a horse Lorinda met at a friend's farm.  At first, I was not excited about the browns and other earthy colors in the image.  I think I used to wear brown a lot several years ago, but lately I steer away from brown, beige and even black without a really good reason.  I was afraid I'd end up with a really drab color scheme, but as I worked on it I came to really like the palette I put together and I could definitely image working with these fabrics.  I decided to take a masculine route with an element of manly vintage nostalgia.  Does it come through?

The Fabrics:
My goal each week is to select fabric bundles that can all be purchased at one shop - like I would if I were shopping for an actual project.  So I reached out to Lindsay at Hawthorne Threads and she gave me permission for their images.  They are another favorite online store and I am always impressed with their in-house designs as well as their selection of other fabric.  I love their current Buffalo Plaid line, so it shows up in this week's bundle.  The scale of a few of these fabrics is pretty large, so I'd need to keep that in mind when choosing a pattern. 

(top to bottom with non-affiliate links to
Mister Stache in Tea from Mister Stache by Alexander Henry
Woodgrain in Bark from Aviary 2 by Joel Dewberry for Westminster / Free Spirit
Buffalo Plaid in Golden Canyon from Buffalo Plaid Collection by Hawthorne Threads In House
Balloon Detour in Green from Chillingsworths Bicycle by Echo Park Paper Co for Andover
Fancy Feather in Gray from Butterfly Garden by Michael Miller
Aircraft in Black from Vintage Blueprints by Savannah Lockie for Robert Kaufman

Other Participants:
Use the following links to visit all the #ColorPlayFriday participants for this week to see more creative fabric collections and color play.  You can also search the hashtag on Instagram.

{Me - Sew Not Perfect}


  1. You definitely pulled it off! I love your bundle!

    1. Thanks, Trina! I love that you and I decided to shop at the same place this week. And you and Steph both decided to use Wee Wander. Great minds!

  2. I feel like your bundle and my bundle should be husband and wife. I love your retro masculine fabrics- very well done!

    1. I love the way your memory of the day influenced you and that you were able to build such a beautifully feminine bundle.

  3. I love your colour and fabric choice, congratulations on a very inspiring combination... And I'm a big fan of Hawthorne Threads too


What do you think? I would love to hear!

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