Sunday, January 4, 2015

January Link-Up Party - Sew Your (Pattern) Stash 2015

Have you sewn something yet using the patterns you already owned at the end of 2014?   It's time to open our first monthly link up!  If you are unfamiliar with Sew Your (Pattern) Stash 2015, you can read more about it here and join the Facebook group here.

And one link-up participant will receive a $15 gift certificate to the Imagine Gnats shop (affiliate link).  I found out about Rachael during the last Project Run & Play season and placed my first order from her shop during her after Christmas sale.  If you haven't checked out her blog, patterns, and fabric shop - you are missing out!  I will select a random winner using a random number generator on February 1.

*UPDATE - Congratulations to our winner: Denita at Hattilu Handmade  winning link)

Link-Up Guidelines:
You may link to any sewing project you complete during the month of January that meets our three requirements:
  1. From Your Pattern Stash  -  sewn using a pdf (or paper) pattern you already owned by the end of 2014.
  2. Fits the Monthly Theme - this month's theme is Women's/Sew For Yourself, so you may link to any sewing project that is a women's pattern or that you made for yourself.
  3. Includes the Sew Your (Pattern) Stash button - either in your blog post or on your blog sidebar.  (grab the HTML code for the button below)
Link to however many projects you sew during the month and post about on your blog.  You are welcome to link-up to more than one project during the month.  If you do not blog, you may link to a Flickr photo of your project, or you may share your photo in our January Show-Off Album in the Facebook group.

Can't wait to see what everyone makes this month!

Sew Your (Pattern) Stash 2015


  1. Here is my link-up for January!

    1. Kaitlan - What a great bag! Do you see the blue button just above the comments section here ? It says "Add Your Link" - click that and use your link. It will ask you to select an image from your post and to enter your email (otherwise I'd just do it for you). I'm so glad you came by to link up!


What do you think? I would love to hear!

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